Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Future Retirement Strategies

Future Retirement Strategies for Productive People - David Bond & Diane Bond

It is important to plan for your retirement as retirement is not short. You still have another 15 - 35 years to go. It is much better to stay physically and mentally active. It can be done through learning new skills, exploding new areas, and do something meaningful. You still have a lot in your tank to contribute.

In order the transition for full-time work into a new phase, a good plan will be helpful.
1) Self assess : what skills, talents, experiences you have and what kind of interest, hobbies you like to explode or develop; what things you likes or dislikes. After the self assessment, you should validate those with some good friends.
2) Answer some big questions :
i) what role does work play in your vision of an ideal life after retirement?
ii) how much leisure time do you really want, and how do you want to spend it?
iii) are you going to move to other city, country?
3) Exploding the options and make your choice : detail the goal from the above and decide what to do next. Draw your own time line and work on it.

It is important to have a plan. This plan concerns what you want to do and how you want to live. It creates a roadmap for the future. As future is uncertain, it is important that it should be flexible and adjust when necessary. It is a personal plan that requires thought, honesty with yourself and trust in those who know you best. Also, this plan allows you to prepare ahead.

Develop your hobbies or volunteer interest you think will bring you satisfaction.

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